Overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Here is some information about this conference.
Dr. Henry W. Wright
Levenda Sommers
Anita Hill

What causes PTSD and how you can overcome it.

Who is predisposed to getting PTSD and why some people get this and some do not.
What's going on in the brain during PTSD.
Ministry to reverse the biological imprint of PTSD.
About The Teachers

Dr. Henry W. Wright
Founder of Be in Health, Hope of the Generations Church and ACTS Global.
Levenda Sommers
Participated in the research and development of the teaching Overcoming PTSD .
Anita Hill
Has overcome PTSD and has helped hundreds of others do the same. 
Recently, PTSD has become a more commonly known term with the rise in diagnoses in men and women returning home from war. In reality, these brave men and women only represent a small percentage of mankind that deals with the effects of PTSD.
PTSD is no accident. The reason for someone developing this disorder actually begins well before the traumatic event even occurs. Have you ever wondered why one person may develop PTSD and another person does not, even though they experience the same trauma event?

In this teaching, conducted as a panel, Dr. Henry W. Wright and his research team dig deep into what is behind PTSD spiritually, psychologically, and biologically. They were astonished with their findings, and present the problem and the practical solution to living free from PTSD
“All healing from PTSD begins with feeling safe again.”     – Dr. Henry W. Wright.

1 John 4:18 – There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 
This conference can Change Your Life
4178 Crest Hwy
Thomaston, GA 30286

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